Sunday, December 7, 2008


Some people know that I make all my own cards. Well back a few years ago when I first started I was working at a pre school, and I would make a card, a Holiday card for all the kids there, some celebrated Christmas, some didn't, so I made Happy Holiday cards for everyone, and all the staff as well. I would make about 150 cards. There were also a lot of siblings, and they would all get their OWN cards. Then I would make them for my family and friends, and my kids teachers as well.....So for two years I would make about 250 cards or more, and they were all different....that took a lot out of me. Now that I am not working there, I do not have to make as many cards, and I am making some the same now. I have to make almost 100 though, but that is okay!! I would like to attach a picture of some cards........I can add some pictures of some cards that I made last year until I can take some that I made this year!!!! I do not have any of them done really, by this time every year I would be all done, this year I have been so lazy!! I have about 15 made, so I need to get on it pretty quickly. I think tomorrow since I am taking this week of from the Family Center, that I can get a lot done, with a quiet house and all.......... We will see. This week for group (I belong to this Women's Group that meets weekly each Wednesday from 6-8 pm) we are having a Pampered Chef party, so I will not be able to do any cards there!!! Well I hope that you like some of the cards that I will attach.....and more recent ones will be on here soon!!

Okay, I can't attach a photo of anything right now, I am still learning how to do this.......check back later!

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